
  • A Happy Home

    Isaac and Rebekah were a perfect match. In Genesis 24, Abraham’s servant is guided by God’s providential hand in choosing a bride for his master’s son Isaac. Rebekah is willing…

  • What Do You Want?

     In the sixth verse of Philemon, Paul writes, “…I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective…” Philemon is a wealthy man whose runaway slave, after being converted…

  • Cover to Cover

    We probably all have at least a handful of Bible verses memorized. There is great value in the memorization of scripture and in the Christian’s ability to recall certain passages…

  • Salvation and Works

    There is much debate within the religious world about the relationship between “salvation” and “works,” but the Bible is clear. In Eph. 2:9 Paul writes that salvation is “not as…

  • For Example

    In Philippians 3:17, Paul instructs the early Christians to “join in following my example and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.” Christians can and…

  • What Changed?

      The book of Acts records the beginnings of the church. In chapter 13, Paul delivers the gospel message to a group which is gathered to worship God, and the…

  • God’s Commanded Cure

    As difficult as it may sometimes be, Christians are commanded to “Be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6). Paul writes that instead of worrying, we are to, “in everything by prayer…

  • Prepare, Pray, Praise

    In Nehemiah 2:4, the king asked Nehemiah, “Why is your face sad though you are not sick?” Nehemiah became “very much afraid,” fearful of the king who had the power…

  • Just A Christian

    How simple it is to follow the Lord, When we make up our minds to obey. Just tell of your faith in the Savior, Repent and be baptized today!  …

  • Why Do You Delay?

    In describing the nature of our physical lives, James writes that we “are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” In the grand scheme…