
  • Bold Christianity

    In Acts 4, after being threatened with physical harm for preaching the gospel, Peter and John along with the other apostles prayed, “grant to Your servants that with all boldness…

  • The Light of the World

    In Matthew 5:14, as Jesus delivers the sermon on the mount, He says, “You are the light of the world.” How are we “the light of the world”? In 1…

  • We Should Think Like David

    When David arrives, Goliath has been taunting the king and army of Israel for forty days. David wonders why no one has taken on his challenge and asks the men…

  • Brethren, Pray For Us

    One great joy that comes with being a member of the Lord’s church is knowing that we can boldly approach God in prayer (1 Thess. 5:17; Jas. 1:5-6). Because of…

  • Have We Found Favor In The Eyes Of The Lord?

    In Genesis 6, we read that Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD (v. 8). At the time, wickedness was so great that “God was sorry that He…

  • What a Fellowship! What a Joy Divine!

    Most Christians enjoy a good fellowship meal when we spend time with others who share our faith and our taste in desserts but consider that true “fellowship” is more than…

  • The Keys of the Kingdom

    In Matthew 16:19, Jesus tells Peter, “I will give you  the keys of the kingdom…” Our culture often interprets this statement to mean that Peter was given the authority to…

  • Some Powerful Promises

    “You Will Have…” —Treasure in heaven if you follow Jesus (Mat. 19:21; Mk. 10:21). —Honor in the sight of all if you are humble (Lk. 14:10). —Brief tribulation if you…

  • Five Reasons VBS is Important

    Kids love it. VBS is just plain fun and the kids love it.  Fun is, of course, not the end goal but when kids are having fun, they are more…

  • Jesus, the Way

    As we turn the page on this study of Jesus is the way , ask yourself these questions. Do you have problems? Are you confused in things pertaining to life…