“Rock the Universe”

In the church office we get all kinds of advertisements. A few years ago we received one entitled: “Rock the Universe.” It was a religious rock concert being held at Universal Studios theme park. The ad even admitted that it was entertainment. The price for tickets was $44.95 for one night and $69.95 for two nights plus tax. That’s the group rates. Individuals pay more.

Why in the world am I writing about a religious rock concert? It is a sign of the times. Religion is big money. There have always been charlatans out to use religion for financial gain. Remember the novel: Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis. Today it’s the rock concert. The apostle Peter wrote of those in his day that used religion to “make merchandise of you.” (2 Peter 2:3) That’s exactly what is happening today with the modern religious rock concerts. The promoters and performers are using religious entertainment to make money.
