Month: August 2018

  • The First Day of the Week

    Many denominational believers wonder why churches of Christ partake of the Lord’s Supper every week. Partaking weekly supposedly lessens the significance of the memorial. New Testament Christians partake of the…

  • God’s Generosity

    As followers of Christ, we need to consider that giving reflects our thankfulness. God provides our material needs (Matthew 6:25-34). More importantly, He gives spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3). He gave…

  • He Understands Me

    Marge Singleton and Merle Kilgore cowrote a song that was a hit for Teresa Brewer at the end of the “doo wop” era, entitled “He Understands Me.”  The heart of the…

  • Biomimicry, Butterflies, and Bank Fraud

    From cocklebur-inspired Velcro to robotic lobsters, scientists are increasingly looking to imitate the wonders of life. In the field of biomimicry (derived from the Greek words bios, meaning “life,” and mimesis, meaning…