Month: May 2022

  • Three Days and Three Nights

    Have you ever thought about what the sailors of Jonah’s ship did after that great fish swallowed him up? The text tells us that “Jonah was in the stomach of…

  • Pride Brings Destruction

    The Old Testament book of Obadiah has only one chapter but still teaches a powerful lesson. Obadiah’s prophecy focuses on the arrogance of the Edomites and reminds us that pride…

  • Do You Love Me?

    Love is a wonderful and necessary part of Christianity, and in 1 John chapter 4, we learn three very important truths about love. First, love comes from God. John writes,…

  • Mary as a Mother

    As the mother of Jesus, Mary’s role was both incredibly unique and similar to the wonderful role of mothers today. As a mother, Mary would have comforted her Son. We…