No one has been persecuted quite like Paul. In 2 Corinthians 11, he wrote about some physical difficulties and punishments he had endured as a Christian. While many Christians of the first century experienced great trials, and we might even feel persecution today, Paul’s experience was unique.

Physical suffering can quickly become spiritually discouraging. We will often consider the sufferings of Christ on the cross and be amazed at His perfect faithfulness to God. Jesus never failed to trust in the Father and never stopped submitting to His Father’s will.

While Paul surely kept the cross of Christ on his mind as his trials unfolded, we also know that Paul maintained a powerful motivation for faithfulness. In Romans 8:18, he wrote, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Paul believed that the glory of eternal salvation was far beyond the pain of physical trials. As he wrote these powerful words, he had already suffered so greatly but still kept his focus on heaven.

When we face trials, persecutions, heartache, or even the aches and pains of life, we must know that the glory of heaven is far greater than any temporary suffering of the flesh. No matter what we experience here, we must maintain our faithfulness because of the glory awaiting us there.

Matt Langfield