
  • Pride Brings Destruction

    The Old Testament book of Obadiah has only one chapter but still teaches a powerful lesson. Obadiah’s prophecy focuses on the arrogance of the Edomites and reminds us that pride…

  • Do You Love Me?

    Love is a wonderful and necessary part of Christianity, and in 1 John chapter 4, we learn three very important truths about love. First, love comes from God. John writes,…

  • Mary as a Mother

    As the mother of Jesus, Mary’s role was both incredibly unique and similar to the wonderful role of mothers today. As a mother, Mary would have comforted her Son. We…

  • Who is the Antichrist?

    The term “antichrist” is sometimes used in religion, books, and movies to describe a demonic or satanic figure that will one-day wage war against the church or even Christ Himself.…

  • The Day of the Lord is Coming!

    In the  Old Testament book of Joel, God speaks through His prophet to the people of Israel during a time of great suffering. A plague of locusts has devastated their…

  • Every Sunday

    Today may feel a little different from other Sundays. The blooming flowers outside make it clear that spring has arrived, baskets filled with goodies may have been waiting for young…

  • I’m a Christian!

    When a person is baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, they are added to the church by the Lord and become a Christian. A Christian is a…

  • “If”

    The word “If” occurs in our English Bible more than 1,600 times, and while it consists of only two letters, it often provides great meaning. For example, in 1 John…

  • Biblical Knowledge

    One of the most sobering verses in the Bible comes from Hosea 4:6, where God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” The Israelites had repeatedly rejected God…

  • Are You Willing to Proclaim the Gospel?

    We are all commanded to share the gospel message with the world. Jesus told His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15),…