
  • Personal Devotional Life

        In public worship and Bible classes we grow in knowledge of God’s word and are built up spiritually. However, the public assembly is not a substitute for private…

  • Is Instrumental Music a Sin?

    Our practice is different from most churches in town in that we do not use instrumental music in our worship. It is, therefore, not uncommon for people to ask, Why?…

  • Marriage

    A marriage may be made in heaven, but the maintenance must be done on earth.   Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as…

  • Entertainment or Worship

        Much of what goes under the name of worship today is designed more to entertain than to praise God. Entertainment rather than praise is often the driving force…

  • Please…Dress Modestly

      “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28) Yes, this verse…

  • Contemporary or Traditional

        There is a tension in the modern church between those who hold to the traditions of the past and those who want to be more contemporary. While one…

  • Christians & Government

        This week we celebrate our American independence. It is a good time to think about our responsibility to our government. Consider the following:   We are to be…

  • Change for Children Campaign

        The Change for Children Campaign begins today. The time frame runs from today to Sunday September 22, 2013. Please pick up a can for your family and begin…

  • Our Heavenly Father

        Well, it’s Father’s Day – the Day we are all honor our fathers. For some, it’s a day to do something special for father; for others it’s a…

  • No Sinner’s Prayer

        The way to obtain salvation in many denominations is by praying the sinner’s prayer. Each “Sinner’s Prayer” varies in detail, but they put forth the same idea: that…