Bulletin Article

  • Which Church?

    It is fortunate that we live in a community in which the citizenry for the most part holds to the basic tenets of Christianity. But at the same time we…

  • The Leaven of the Kingdom

    Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to leaven in these words: “The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal,…

  • Cartoonist Misses the Point on Christians

    To the editor: The cartoon on the editorial page of the Jan. 22 edition of the Enterprise showed a preacher in the pulpit declaring to his congregation, “ and if…

  • Have You Felt The Call?

    From Our Bulletin – August 7, 2011     Some time ago I received an email requesting my help in spreading the news about a new business which is soon…

  • Be Not Ashamed

    Paul in his second epistle to Timothy urged him to not be ashamed of the gospel. He wrote: “Be not ashamed of the testimony of the Lord, nor of me…

  • Love

        Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;  does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is…


    What do a fantasy football service and a seafood restaurant have in common?  The advertisement firms they both hired that played on words that made the commercial viewers hear one…

  • Privilege and Responsibility

    God through the prophet Amos reminded Israel of the great privilege they enjoyed as God’s chosen people. He said, “You only have I known of all the families of the…

  • What We Know About the Birth of Jesus

    There are so things that we know about the birth of Jesus; there are also some things that we definitely do not know. All we really know for sure is…

  • God Has Spoken

    The way in which God revealed himself in the past is not the same as the way He does today. The Scriptures say: “God, who at sundry times and in…