We probably all have at least a handful of Bible verses memorized. There is great value in the memorization of scripture and in the Christian’s ability to recall certain passages when needed. Jesus often quoted scripture when reasoning with men concerning the Kingdom or defending His authority. Christians today should be able to recall God’s word and use it as we defend our faith, make decisions in our lives and avoid sin (2 Tim. 4:2; Psalm 119:105, 111).
Consider, though, that the Bible was not originally broken up into short chapters and verses. Paul wrote that “all” scripture is profitable and that he preached “the whole counsel of God” (2 Tim. 3:16; Acts 20:27). To consider “all” scripture, we can find great value in reading, not just individual verses, but entire books of the Bible. When was the last time you read a book of the Bible from beginning to end in one sitting?
This week, I would encourage you to take three minutes and read the 25 verses of Paul’s letter to Philemon. The book is full of teachings on love, fellowship, integrity, God’s providence and more. Read Philemon from beginning to end in one sitting and see if you begin to appreciate “all scripture” even more.
Matt Langfield