Poor Pluto. First it is a planet and then it’s not. “Plutoed” was selected as the Word of the Year by the American Dialect Society a little over a decade ago. The word means “to demote or devalue someone or something.”
Do you ever feel “plutoed”? Do you feel like people don’t appreciate you? You may get that feeling on the job, when you’re working hard and somebody else gets the credit, promotion, or attention. You may even sometimes feel “plutoed” by the church. You might think your problems are being ignored or your contributions are not taken seriously enough.
Remember a few things. First, remember the value God placed on your soul by sending Jesus to die to save it (Gal. 2:20; Eph. 1:7). Second, remember that God’s system of rewarding is on His time and His terms, but He will not let faithful service go unblessed (Mat. 6:4,6,16; 1 Tim. 5:25). Third, remember that you are valuable because of who you are, a child of God (1 Pet. 2:5,9; Rev. 1:5-6). Finally, remember to focus on helping everyone around you feel valued. It’s the way you want to be treated (Luke 6:31). It’s the Christ-like way to act (Acts 10:38). And, there may be somebody out there sorely in need of being “de-plutoed.” Think about it! Appreciate the value you and others have because of the God who made it all and owns it all.
Neal Pollard