During this wonderful time of year, many of us will spend hours, weeks, or even months planning and finding the perfect gift for a loved one. We will then find the perfect box, carefully wrap our present, decorate it with a bow, and gently place it under a beautiful tree. But, as exciting as it is to see a fully trimmed tree surrounded by a mountain of colorful gifts, there are some things we should give or share that will never fit in a box.
Our Time – Giving our time to others and God is much more valuable than anything under the tree. Making memories with members of our family and members of the church requires our time but results in long-lasting and even eternal relationships.
Our Example – Giving or providing a Christian example to our children and everyone around us is far more valuable than anything purchased in a store. When we “let [our] light shine” (Matthew 5:16) inside and outside of our homes, we not only demonstrate the blessings of being a Christian, we draw others closer to God.
Our Love – “God is love” (1 John 4:8), and as His children, we are to show that same love to those around us. John wrote, “let us love one another” (1 John 4:7). Our love, regardless of circumstance and freely given to others, costs nothing but is worth so much.
As we enjoy this holiday season, remember that the most valuable things we have to give will never fit in a box or under a tree.
Matt Langfield