Have You Grown?
In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Paul wrote, “examine yourselves!” As this year began, we were encouraged to stand up tall against a spiritual ruler, set spiritual goals to accomplish in the new year, and prepare to measure our progress twelve months later.
Do You Remember Your Spiritual Goals?
Can you recall what spiritual goals you set for yourself and determined to accomplish? Maybe you decided to read through the New Testament or even the entire Bible. Perhaps you committed to studying God’s word each day or spending more time devoted in prayer to God. Did you write your goals down or tell a brother or sister in Christ?
Did You Grow Spiritually?
This year has been unlike anything we have experienced before, but if you examine yourself, did you grow? Were you able to accomplish your goals? If you think back to where you were at the beginning of the year and compare that with where you are today, have you grown spiritually? Are you stronger? Do you have a greater level of faith? Do you know more about God’s word, God’s power, and God’s promises than you did twelve months ago?
Are You Prepared To Grow Again?
Are you ready and willing to set spiritual goals for the new year? Consider what you would like to accomplish or what areas need improvement in your spiritual life. Write your goals down, share your goals with a brother or sister in Christ, and commit to working toward accomplishing your goals in the coming months.
Matt Langfield