Near the end of every vacation or family trip, I will say, “I’m ready to be home.” Our home is the place where many of us find the most comfort, peace, and happiness. Spiritually speaking, “home” usually describes and points our minds to heaven, a place that we look forward to, that motivates us to live a life faithful to God, and where we will experience indescribable comfort.
Heaven is the goal of every Christian and the prize at the end of a faithful life. In Philippians 3:13-14, Paul writes of “reaching for what lies ahead” and pressing “on toward the goal for the prize.” Paul looked forward to achieving his goal and receiving that prize.
Heaven is an eternal rest from the difficulties and trials of this world. We are never promised a trouble-free life on earth, but we are promised eternal relief from those troubles in heaven. Christians are motivated to remain faithful, regardless of how difficult life becomes, by the promise of heaven.
Heaven is our eternal home and a place of great comfort. In Revelation 21:1-4, heaven is described as a place where God “will wipe away every tear” from our eyes and where “there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain.”
Heaven is our prize, rest, and eternal home; it is the “Home of the Soul.”
Matt Langfield