How simple it is to follow the Lord,
When we make up our minds to obey.
Just tell of your faith in the Savior,
Repent and be baptized today!
And then you’ll be just a Christian,
And added to the church you’ll be.
A servant of God in His vineyard,
And saved for eternity.
Now, live your life for the Savior,
Who suffered and died for you.
Continue to follow His teaching,
To Him and His way be true.
Remember to meet with the faithful,
And show forth His death as we’re taught.
There is many a joy that is waiting,
And many a fight to be fought
Be concerned for the souls all around you,
Be loving and kind and brave.
By your deeds and your words and the gospel,
Many souls you’ll surely help save.
Clifford Reel (1923-2019)