This Tuesday, September 18, we would like for as many of our senior adults as can to meet in the fellowship hall from 10 – 11am in order to discuss an approach to evangelistic outreach. It will be a time in which we can share ideas with each other and come up with a good plan. Hope to see you then.
All men of the congregation, remember our men’s business meeting on the 5th Sunday of this month, September 30. Jimmy Snow, one of our deacons, has recently accepted the responsibility for the oversight of our physical facility. He would like to hear about everyone’s ideas and concerns. This will be the major topic for discussion at this business meeting. Anyone who will not be at the meeting, feel free to share your ideas or concerns with Jimmy prior to the meeting.
The Cary church of Christ Youth Rally, which some of you attend each year, is scheduled for September 21-22. The deadline for online registration ends today. Register at: