As a new year begins, we often consider ways to improve ourselves. It seems to be the perfect moment in time to either begin something new or to reset our focus and make needed corrections in our lives. While we may prepare to embrace a New Year’s resolution in the hopes of becoming a better person, let’s also think about our spiritual health and wellbeing.
Let me suggest the following:
- Determine your spiritual goals for 2020 – Read the Bible daily, read through the entire Bible, memorize certain scriptures, maintain a daily prayer list, etc.
- Write down your spiritual goals and place them somewhere conspicuous – On the refrigerator, in your Bible, on a bedside table, etc.
- Share your spiritual goals with one or more brothers/sisters in Christ – This may be a bit uncomfortable for some, but it is extremely important.
- Ask that person(s) what their spiritual goals for 2020 are.
- Commit to working on your spiritual goals every day – pray about them often and prepare to challenge yourself spiritually, dedicate some amount of time daily.
I have mine ready to go, and I hope you do as well. Let’s pray for and work toward greater spiritual health and growth through the coming year.
Matt Langfield