Friends and Family Day is just two weeks away, and having as many visitors in the building as members can present some fantastic opportunities that we need to consider.
Prepare – We all need to continue to pray for and invite our friends as we prepare for this incredible outreach effort. We will need to spruce up the building (inside and out) together on Saturday and, in anticipation of around 75 visitors, prepare much more food for our fellowship meal than usual.
Accommodate – All of us need to treat our visitors as guests. They may be walking into our building (or any church building) for the first time. They may be nervous and less comfortable finding their way than we are. We should strive to introduce ourselves, be incredibly welcoming, make room available (no pew is sacred), give directions, etc. After our worship, the fellowship room will fill up quickly, and we will use every chair. We must ensure our visitors can easily find a place to sit.
Love – We love the Lord…our worship must demonstrate our deep love for God. We love each other…Jesus said that others will know we are His disciples by our love for one another (John 13:35). We love our visitors…a member of our congregation has personally invited every visitor. They all need to see and experience the Christian love we share.
Matt Langfield