In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul states that he is thankful to God for their “steadfastness of hope” (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3). Paul describes their hope, or confident expectation that all of God’s promises are true, as steadfast or immovable, and as Christians, we need the same sort of spiritual hope in our lives.
A steadfast hope is good. Paul is not only thankful to God, but he is “giving thanks always” for the hope they have (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3). He is praising these Christians because the foundation of their spiritual hope is so firm.
A steadfast hope is necessary. Later in the text, we read that they “received the word in much tribulation” (1 Thessalonians 1:6). They had obeyed the gospel and remained faithful to God through incredible persecution. Trusting in God’s word and firmly believing in God’s promises were both necessary for their spiritual lives and success.
A steadfast hope is eternally rewarding. At the end of the first chapter, we learn that they are waiting for Jesus to one day return from heaven (1 Thessalonians 1:10). The result of living a faithful, obedient, and spiritually hopeful life is the reward of eternity in heaven.
Not only do we need hope, but we also need steadfast and immovable hope. We need hope built on the solid foundation of God’s word to carry us through the most difficult seasons of life. We need hope that results in an eternal home in heaven.
Matt Langfield