Do the passing of the years bring us nearer to God or just closer to death? It’s a sobering thought. There can be no more important consideration for us than what can we do to ensure that the passing years bring us closer to God, for otherwise, the years are wasted.
One important way in which we can draw nearer to God is by studying His Word. The Bible gives us the portrait of a
A righteous man: “His delight is in the law of the Lord;
and in His law doth he meditate day and night.” The
more we listen to God the closer we are drawn to Him.
A second way in which we can draw nearer to God is by pray-
ing. The Bible says: “Pray without ceasing.” (2 The-
ssalonians 5:17) Jesus said: “Men ought always to
pray, and not to faint.” (Luke 18:1) The more we
speak to God in prayer the closer we are drawn to Him.
The fact of the matter is, all the things God has commanded us to do are calculated to draw us closer to Him. Therefore, we must not neglect any of His commandments.
One of our hymns contains these words: “Draw us nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord.” It is not a matter of persuading God and Christ; they are willing. Are we?