If you are sitting in the church building this morning, what do you see around you? How would you describe the person sitting several pews in front of you, the people directly across the aisle from you, or even those who worship with us from home?
The Hebrews writer describes them as “holy brethren” (Heb. 3:1). At the end of chapter 2, we read of all that Christ has done for us. He not only gave His life on the cross, but He sanctified us and now calls us brethren” (Hebrews 2:11). As chapter 3 three begins, we read, “Therefore, holy brethren…” Christians are a spiritual family. Brothers and sisters in Christ are not only connected to Christ; they are extraordinarily connected to each other.
The writer of Hebrews also describes them as “partakers of a heavenly calling” (Hebrews 3:1). We might say, partners in a divine purpose. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are partners along with us in the gospel.
The writer of Hebrews also describes them as the “house” of God (Hebrews 3:6). We are a house built by God. We are a house that belongs to God. We are a divine structure that only exists because of God.
When we look around the room this morning, I hope we can remember these beautiful descriptions provided for fellow Christians and given to us in God’s word.
Matt Langfield