Mothers should play an extraordinary role in children’s lives, and the Bible provides many examples of mothers for us to consider.
Hannah was a mother who had plans for her son. Even before he was born, Hannah had promised to dedicate her son to God. She said, “Give Your maidservant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life…” (1 Samuel 1:11). She determined and planned to raise a son whose life would be centered and focused on God.
Hagar was a mother who cared for her son. In Genesis 21, when it seemed that all hope was lost, Hagar “lifted up her voice and wept” (Genesis 21:16). She and Ishmael were wandering in the wilderness, out of water, and both near death. She loved her son and could not bear the thought of his life ending.
Elizabeth was a mother who prepared her son. In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel spoke to Zacharias, Elizabeth’s husband, and told him that they would have a son whose name would be John (Luke 1:13). When the time came, family and friends expected the young boy to be named after his father, but Elizabeth said, “No indeed; but he shall be called John” (Luke 1:60). She was intent on obeying God and preparing her son for his special role.
God has given mothers today the incredible and unique responsibility described throughout God’s word. Mothers should plan for, care for, and prepare their children by loving them, trusting in God, and obeying His commands.
Matt Langfield