Sharing the gospel is something that every Christian is commanded to do (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16). Since the day Christ sent out men to preach the word of God, His church has continued, by God’s perfect design, through the act of evangelism.
Evangelism can be exciting. We all love the idea of helping someone become a Christian. It is thrilling to sit across the table from a person as they come to understand what God’s word teaches about salvation. Even more incredible is the feeling of joy realized when that person is baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
Evangelism can also be intimidating. Where do we begin a study? What happens if someone asks us a question about the Bible that we are not prepared to answer? To be most effective in sharing the gospel, we need to be prepared and have a plan or method of Bible study.
Tonight we will discuss evangelism and one method of study that may be helpful to you. We will briefly look at our Online Bible Study designed to lead people to understand what is necessary to become a Christian and to pierce their hearts with the word of God. Evangelism is the responsibility and privilege of every Christian today; we hope you will join us tonight to learn more.
Matt Langfield