In describing the nature of our physical lives, James writes that we “are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” In the grand scheme of time, our lives on this earth are incredibly short. Christ could return at any moment and “will come just like a thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:2).
Repeatedly in scripture, we read as individuals receive the word, believe the word and without delay, obey the instruction to be baptized. Ananias asked Saul, “Now why do you delay?” (Acts 22:16). The Philippian jailor was taught the gospel and “immediately he was baptized” (Acts 16:31-33). However, once we come out of the water, our lives are still short, Christ could still return at any moment, and the urgency to obey God’s word still exists.
We need to live faithfully and obediently to God, urgently sharing the gospel with the world around us (Mark 16:15-16). We need to remember that the lives of those who we interact with every day are just as short, uncertain, and in need of the redeeming blood of Christ as our own.
Matt Langfield