Several of the Psalms in the Old Testament call upon us to worship. For example, Psalm 95 opens with these words: “O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” (Psalm 95:1) Then, a few verses later, we are further urged to worship God: “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.” (Psalm 95:6)
But why? Why should we worship God? This Psalm offers two compelling reasons. First, we should worship God because: “The LORD is a great God, and a great King about all gods.” (Psalm 95:3) None of the gods of the ancient world were real, nor are the modern gods of the various world religions. They all are lacking in real power, but the God we worship is “a great God, a great King above all gods.”
Second, we should worship God because “He is our God.” (Psalm 95:7) Not all men can say this, but Christians can. God is our God and he recognizes us as His people. What a great reason to worship and praise Him.