Words are power. A word can incite anger or calm tempers. Words produce both laughter and tears. They instruct, guide, encourage, the list goes on and on. The often repeated statement, “The pen is mightier than the sword,” is not about the writing instrument but the words written.
Yes, words are power, but if this is true of the words of men, how much more so the word of God. James in chapter one of his epistle emphasizes the word and its power. He tells us that God “begat us with the word of truth.” (James 1:18) Just as the starting point of one’s physical life is when he is begotten, so also of spiritual life. It is God’s word of truth that starts each of us on our spiritual life. James also tells us that the word “is able to save your souls.” Yes, God’s word is power.
But James is quick to point our that we have a responsibility. He says such thing as: “Receive with meekness the engrafted word” and “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:21-22)
God’s word is power. Let’s read it, study it, meditate upon it, and live by it ,for so doing, its power will work effectively in our lives.