Month: November 2021

  • God Never Moved

    The book of Ezra is all about repairing and restoring a relationship with God. After more than a generation of captivity, the Israelites finally returned to Jerusalem and returned to…

  • Another Reason for Thanks

    In Psalm 139, David’s praise, worship, and thankfulness focus on God’s unique qualities of omnipotence (being all-powerful), omniscience (knowing all things), and omnipresence (being everywhere at the same time). David…

  • Solomon’s Request

    In the book of 1 Kings, God instructs King Solomon, “Ask what you wish me to give you” (1 Kings 3:5). Solomon responds, “Give Your servant an understanding heart to…

  • Uzzah’s Sin

    In 2 Samuel 6, a man named Uzzah touches the ark of the covenant and is immediately struck dead by God. After decades this sacred box that was to be…