Month: December 2022

  • New Every Morning

    With a new year comes excitement—new experiences, challenges, and goals. As the calendar changes, we can easily remember the past and anxiously look forward to the future. A new year…

  • A Very Special Day

    Today is special. On this day, we gather together with people we love, share important memories from the past, and enjoy wonderful gifts. It is a day that most of…

  • A Change of Plans

    Would you describe yourself as a planner? Maybe you plan for the day every morning or a week of meals before heading to the grocery store. Perhaps you have planned…

  • Caring for the Kingdom

    In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus is preaching during His sermon on the…

  • Saul Before Paul

    Saul (later known as Paul) was a diligent persecutor of the church (Acts 8:3). While we do not know all that he did to punish Christians and attempt to destroy…