
  • Everyone Needs a Thorn in the Flesh

    In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul continues his defense to the Christians at Corinth. In chapter 11, he found it necessary to “boast” just a bit to expose the false teachers…

  • Devotion and Danger

    Paul’s letters to the Corinthians are full of courageous encouragement, wonderful descriptions of faith, and serious warnings against entertaining false teachers and false doctrines. The Corinthian Christians belonged to Christ.…

  • The Anchor That Holds Firm

    Many up and down the Eastern coast of the US have suffered through this Hurricane and the suffering of the Pandemic, even when we suffer the pain of death we…

  • Giving According to Paul

    As Paul strongly encourages the Corinthians to provide financial support for impoverished saints in Judea, he also supplies four necessary characteristics of their giving (2 Corinthians 8-9). ❶ Giving should…

  • He Had Nothing To Gain

    Paul wrote, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake, He became poor” (2 Corinthians 8:9). The inspired apostle…

  • Three Guarantees

    In 2 Corinthians 7, we learn that there are at least three guarantees in the life of every faithful Christian. Affliction – In the second verse, Paul writes, “we wronged…

  • Everything We Need

    As faithful children of God, we have everything we need. God has given us “everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3), and by His word, we can be…

  • “Heaven on Earth”

    You may have heard or even used the phrase “heaven on earth” when attempting to describe something wonderful. A perfect cinnamon roll (or hamburger), a beautiful day at our favorite…

  • Where’s Home?

    We have all been asked, “Where are you from?”, “Where did you grow up?” or maybe, “Where is home?” Home is the place where we fit in the best, feel…


    Not too long ago, President Trump was criticized for calling gang members “animals.” The response from his critics was that everyone has the spark of the divine within them, and…