
  • Is the Bible from God?

    John was rock climbing one sunny Saturday. The first hour was easy. He had found plenty of footholds and finger holds as he climbed up the face of the large…

  • Strive to Gain Daily Encouragement

    Drink a glass of water.  That satisfied my thirst, but I will need it again shortly.  I also need daily exhortations and encouragement.  A man said to his wife, “When…

  • How to Handle Situations the Tend to Discourage

    Get problems in their proper perspective. Your enemy today may be your best supporter next year. My gospel umbrella deflects the barbs intended for me. If I fall prey to…

  • Avoid Discouraging Situations By Getting Priorities In Order

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You are laying a foundation upon which you will build. It is usually difficult to change foundation material once…

  • Encouragement to Men Striving to be Faithful

    There is so much significance in the word “faithful.” God is faithful. “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who…

  • Suggestions for a New Year

    As we think about this New Year, there are things we need to remember to have a good year. The decisions and choices we make will determine the kind of…

  • Jesus’ Birth

    As New Testament Christians, we understand that the Bible does not authorize a religious celebration of Jesus’ birth. But it is an appropriate time of year to think on the…

  • Overcoming Sin

    When we attend Bible study we grow in the ways to overcome sin. 1 John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory…

  • Dodging Satan’s Darts

    Do we want to be dodging the darts of the wicked without the armor of God? Ephesians 6:15-17 “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;…

  • Stronger in the Faith

    What is faith and why do we want to become stronger in it? Just like the soldiers of old and of today, also policemen, we want body armor when we…