
  • Our Accuser

    The Book of Job tells of Satan bringing accusations against Job. He said to the Lord, “Doth Job fear God for nought?” (Job 1:9) Then again, “Skin for skin, yea,…

  • Worship’s Prerequisite

    Jeremiah the prophet asked this probing question of his people, “Will ye steal, murder, commit adultery, and swear falsely…And come and stand before me in this house.” (Jeremiah 7:9-10)  It…

  • Bible Believing Churches

    It is not uncommon to hear churches describe themselves as “Bible believing.” It is usually said to distinguish themselves from other churches which have very little regard for the authority…

  • Sounding Out The Word

    The church at Thessalonica got off to a rocky start. The two missionaries, Paul and Silas, who first preached in their city, had to flee by night because of persecution.…

  • Stubborn Truths

    By Neal Pollard —Whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another commits adultery (Mat. 19:9) —Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ…

  • “Because I Say So”

    Do you remember those words from your childhood? I do. There were those times for many of us when our parents told us either to do or not to do…

  • Life’s Decisions

    The Bible has a lot to say about decisions. The great men of the Bible were great because of the choices they made. There was Joshua. He called on Israel…

  • The Beauty of Age

    “The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is their grey hair.” (Proverbs 20:29) God makes his children beautiful at any age, but especially…

  • Joy In the Lord

    Paul wrote in his epistle to the church at Philippi, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)  Men find many things about which to rejoice…

  • The Program for Truth

    The apostle Paul near the close of his earthly life wrote these words to Timothy who had labored with him in the gospel for many years: “And the things that…