
  • True Repentance

    One necessary step in becoming a Christain is repentance. A person must repent of sin, that is, to turn away from sin and turn toward God to have those sins…

  • I’m in the Lord’s Army!

    Today we are excited to begin a new Bible class quarter as our children’s classes begin a study titled “I’m in the Lord’s Army!” This phrase is likely familiar to…

  • Bad Habits

    Temptation and sin are unfortunate elements of every Christian’s life. Even from the garden of Eden, all men and women, with the sole exception of Jesus, have been found guilty…

  • Can We See the Difference?

    In Nehemiah 10, as the Israelites grow closer to God, more obedient in their faith, and more spiritually mature, the text describes incredible changes that take place in their lives.…

  • The Compassion of God

    To appreciate the incredible compassion of God, we must recognize who He is, what we have done, and how He has responded. In Nehemiah 12, as God’s people are returning…

  • The People and the Law of God

    In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, Ezra stands before the people and reads to them “from the book of the law of God” (Nehemiah 8:18). Consider some incredible details…

  • Spiritual Obstacles

    An obstacle is something that “blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.” In our lives, we encounter all sorts of obstacles. We understand that when something stands in our…

  • Beginnings Require Change

    Beginnings involve change. Whether we begin a new job, a new relationship, or a new phase of life completely, change always plays a part. Spiritual beginnings are no different, and…

  • The True Nature of Enemies

    In Nehemiah 6, the reconstruction of the wall around Jerusalem is finally completed. Nehemiah and the workers have been constantly plagued by enemies who tried anything they could think of…

  • Make a Choice

    As Jesus concludes His “Sermon on the Mount,” He leaves the crowd with a clear call to action. Beginning in Matthew 7:24, He says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words…