
  • The All Important Heart

    The heart which pumps the blood through our bodies is a vital organ. The wise man will take care not to damage his heart. The Bible uses the term “heart”…

  • Your Grace Is Too Small

    In recent years we have been hearing a lot about the grace of God. It would almost seem as though those who speak so much of grace somehow think that…

  • Pseudo-Faith

    From Our Bulletin – August 14, 2011 It is ironic that those who talk the most about faith and salvation by faith oftentimes reject what the Bible actually says about…

  • Jesus & Pluralism

    Religious pluralism can have more than one meaning. Sometimes it means nothing more than the religious freedom which is so much a part of our American heritage. But in recent…

  • Religion & Life

    Webster rightly defines religion as: “The service and worship of God.” Nevertheless, true religion should affect all of our life in a positive way. This, however, is not always the…

  • National Sins

    Paul in his letter to Titus, whom he had left in the island of Crete, wrote, “One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, ‘The Cretians are alway…


    God made women as one of His crowning achievements of beauty. Paul, a single man, and Peter, a married man, are led in their writing by the Holy Spirit to…


    It is time for the Change for Children Campaign again. This is a funding raising effort of the Southeastern Children’s Home. You will find the cans for change on the…

  • The Gospel Minutes and Evangelism

    The elders have decided to use The Gospel Minutes as a part of our local evangelistic outreach. The plan will go like this: First, we will select a number of…

  • The Book of Jasher

    We hear a lot now days about the lost books of the Bible. There really are no such books. There are some ancient books we know about which were never…