Author: Cindy Brown

  • Seniors Bible CLass

    We are beginning a Seniors Bible Class with an emphasis on evangelism. I would like to meet with all who are interested in participating on Tuesday morning September 18 at…

  • Seniors Outreach

    Evangelism should always be a priority of God’s people. Who better to lead the way in evangelism than the senior members of the church – with this in mind I…


    That Jesus is the legitimate head of the church all Bible students will admit (Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18) and yet most churches are organized under some earthly ecclesiastical head.  …

  • No Book but the Bible

    While we often benefit from the insights gleaned from the world of religious books, the Bible itself is the only real standard of religious thought and practice. All else is…

  • No Creed But Christ

    Christ himself is the Christian’s creed or more fully stated – “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) This is the original creed of Christianity.…