Bulletin Article


    It answers the biggest mysteries of life that so baffle humanity. It reveals the plan of the Creator of everything. We are accountable to it. It tells us where we…

  • Can I Be Just a Christian? #3

    In the two previous articles I raised the questions: Can I be just a Christian? Can I be just a Christian and not a member of any denomination? Can I…

  • Can I Be Just a Christian? #2

    Can I be just a Christian? Yes, of course. Anyone who obeys the gospel; that is, anyone who believes, repents, confesses Christ and is baptized for the remission of sins…

  • Can I Be Just a Christian?

      Can I be just a Christian? Yes, of course. The Bible is clear on how to become a Christian. Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach…

  • The Normalization of Sin

    Webster defines normalization as: “The act or process of making normal.” In the last half century we have witnessed the normalization of certain sins. How does this occur? Isaiah the…

  • Is It a Salvation Issue?

    In an effort to justify the use of instrumental music in worship, this question is often asked: “Is instrumental music a salvation issue?” Do not be deceived by the subtleness…

  • The Devil Is Here

    One question frequently asked preachers is: “Where did the devil come from?” Is he a fallen angel? Did he once live in heaven? Perhaps someday we will have all the…

  • The Bible & Gay Marriage

    What does the Bible say about same sex marriage? Consider the following: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22) And again, “For this…


    The cleansing from sin and its guilt is an important part of Christianity. Without the cleansing power of the blood none of us would be able to stand before God.…


    Have you read the Book of Ezekiel lately? The first chapter should certainly grab your interest – four living creatures each having four faces: one like the face of a…