Bulletin Article

  • Our Secular Nation

    It has become quite common to refer to America as a secular nation. And it’s true – more and more our country is becoming secular. “In God We Trust” may…

  • The Celebration of Christmas

    It’s that time of year – the time when people ask us about the celebration of Christmas. Since we do not have any special religious celebration of the birth of…

  • Revenge, Revenge, Revenge

    Paul in his epistle to the church at Thessalonica wrote: “See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves,…

  • A Religious Curve Ball

    Many times a batter has swung the bat in a smooth even swing at what seemed like a sure hit only to miss the ball completely. What happened? The pitcher…

  • Eastern European Mission

    A while back the political crisis in the country of Ukraine was front page news. But the crisis there has been overshadowed by Isis, eboli and the mid-term election. However,…


    The meadow jumping mouse has made it to the status of “endangered” and is now protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act. Cattle have more limited water and grazing access…

  • Who Baptized Whom?

    Notwithstanding the clear statements of Scripture that baptism is “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38) and that it “now saves us” (1 Peter 3:21), some object, pointing out that…

  • The Church: Then & Now

    Anyone who would take a serious look at the modern church in comparison to the church of the first century as portrayed on the pages of the New Testament would…

  • Something to Do

    I once read in a book this statement: “I regret that the word ‘Do’ appears in the Bible.” The writer was advocating salvation by faith alone. His point was that…

  • The All Important Heart

    The heart which pumps the blood through our bodies is a vital organ. The wise man will take care not to damage his heart. The Bible uses the term “heart”…