Bulletin Article

  • Your Grace Is Too Small

    In recent years we have been hearing a lot about the grace of God. It would almost seem as though those who speak so much of grace somehow think that…

  • Pseudo-Faith

    From Our Bulletin – August 14, 2011 It is ironic that those who talk the most about faith and salvation by faith oftentimes reject what the Bible actually says about…

  • Jesus & Pluralism

    Religious pluralism can have more than one meaning. Sometimes it means nothing more than the religious freedom which is so much a part of our American heritage. But in recent…

  • Religion & Life

    Webster rightly defines religion as: “The service and worship of God.” Nevertheless, true religion should affect all of our life in a positive way. This, however, is not always the…

  • National Sins

    Paul in his letter to Titus, whom he had left in the island of Crete, wrote, “One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, ‘The Cretians are alway…


    God made women as one of His crowning achievements of beauty. Paul, a single man, and Peter, a married man, are led in their writing by the Holy Spirit to…


    It is time for the Change for Children Campaign again. This is a funding raising effort of the Southeastern Children’s Home. You will find the cans for change on the…

  • The Gospel Minutes and Evangelism

    The elders have decided to use The Gospel Minutes as a part of our local evangelistic outreach. The plan will go like this: First, we will select a number of…

  • The Book of Jasher

    We hear a lot now days about the lost books of the Bible. There really are no such books. There are some ancient books we know about which were never…

  • The Lack of Shame

    Did your mother ever say to you, “You ought to be ashamed of yourself?” (Maybe mothers do not say that anymore.) The ability to feel shame is a virtue. Of…