Bulletin Article

  • Pure Christianity

        Twenty centuries of change and innovation have so altered the face of Christianity that its modern form often differs remarkably from the original.   In its pure form,…

  • House to House/Heart to Heart

        Have you ever seen the publication called “House to House/Heart to Heart?” It is a paper to be used as an outreach to communities throughout the USA. It…

  • Ready Answer #2

        One practice that distinguishes us from other churches is the fact that we do not use an instrument of music in our worship services. Often times in a…

  • A Prayer for Those Growing Older

            Lord, Thou knowest that I am growing older.   Keep me from becoming talkative and possessed                  with the idea that I must express myself on…

  • What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? Offer to God thanksgiving, and pay your vows to the Most High. Psalm 50:14  

  • Putting On Christ

        We become children of God by faith in Jesus Christ but not apart from putting on Christ in baptism. The two are inseparably connected in scripture: “For ye…

  • Additional Elders and Deacons

    The elders feel that it will be good for the congregation if we appoint additional elders and deacons.   Last Sunday we asked that each member provide us with a…

  • The Sin of Drinking Alcohol

        Beverage alcohol is the number one drug problem in the USA. The Devil’s favorite liquids include: beer, wine, whisky, brandy, vodka, tequila, gin, rum, etc. Proverbs 20:1 says,…

  • Focused Evangelism

          There must have been a large crowd gathered in the Areopagus in the city of Athens that day about two thousand years ago when the apostle Paul…

  • The Eternal God

        Eternity is something hard for us to fathom other than to say that it is without end. We humans live in time but God inhabits eternity. (Isaiah 57:15)…