Month: December 2021

  • What Wall Are We Building?

    In the book of Nehemiah, the wall surrounding the city of Jerusalem is rebuilt. As Nehemiah leads the people in the reconstruction effort, enemies repeatedly mock and threaten them. The…

  • Gifts Not Under the Tree

    During this wonderful time of year, many of us will spend hours, weeks, or even months planning and finding the perfect gift for a loved one. We will then find…

  • Nehemiah’s Prayer

    We can learn much by studying the prayers of the faithful, recorded in God’s word. For example, in Nehemiah 2, when confronted by King Artaxerxes about his “sad” appearance, Nehemiah…

  • Overcoming Fear

    In the book of Ezra, we read as God’s people return to Jerusalem, rebuild the temple, and resume their worship of God. While it is an account filled with hope…