Month: June 2023

  • The Fall of Saul

    The relationship between David and Saul tells a story of sinful jealousy. When God chose David to be king, Saul was still sitting on the throne. Saul had disobeyed God,…

  • After God’s Heart

    David was “a man after God’s own heart.” In 1 Samuel 13, as God takes the kingdom away from King Saul, Samuel the prophet says, “The Lord has sought out…

  • Vacation Bible School Success!

    Thank you to everyone who helped make our VBS a phenomenal success! We had 35 students by the end of the week, 22 of which were NOT from North Main,…

  • Be Prepared

    Being unprepared for events in our daily lives can have varying consequences. If we walk out of the house without our car keys, we only need to turn around; however,…

  • ______ One Another

    The Bible is full of instructions on how Christians should treat other people. For example, Jesus tells us to “love [our] enemies” (Matthew 5:44), Paul commands us to respectfully submit…