
  • Arguing with God

    Arguing is generally a bad idea that the Bible cautions us against (Philippians 2:14, Titus 2:9). While at times it is appropriate to “argue” as we reason through God’s word…

  • The Hope of God’s People

    Because God has always made promises, His people have always had “hope.” Adam was promised life in the garden if he avoided eating from “the tree of the knowledge of…

  • Encourage One Another

    Christians have a responsibility to encourage each other spiritually. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Paul wrote, “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another.” No matter what phase of life…

  • Steadfast Hope

    In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul states that he is thankful to God for their “steadfastness of hope” (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3). Paul describes their hope, or confident expectation…

  • More Than a Follower

    If I were to ask you, “What is a Christian?” how would you respond? Many of us might quickly answer, “A Christian is a follower of Christ.” We understand that…

  • Workers for the Lord

    A familiar song we sometimes include in our worship is titled, “I Want to Be a Worker for the Lord.” While the tune of this song is simple and uplifting,…

  • God Will Provide

    God’s word should give Christians comfort and peace beyond all comprehension (Philippians 4:7). Throughout the Bible, we read statements and promises of blessings provided to keep our hearts focused on…

  • Jesus is Coming Back

    The Bible has three primary themes: Jesus is coming, Jesus is here, and Jesus is coming back. From the ascension of Christ in Acts 1 through the book of Revelation,…

  • Jesus is Here

    The Bible has three primary themes: Jesus is coming, Jesus is here, and Jesus is coming back. From the book of Matthew through Acts 1:11, we find the second of…

  • Jesus is Coming

    The Bible has three primary themes: Jesus is coming, Jesus is here, and Jesus is coming back. From the book of Genesis through Malachi, we find the first of these…