Bulletin Article

  • The Keys of the Kingdom

    In Matthew 16:19, Jesus tells Peter, “I will give you  the keys of the kingdom…” Our culture often interprets this statement to mean that Peter was given the authority to…

  • Some Powerful Promises

    “You Will Have…” —Treasure in heaven if you follow Jesus (Mat. 19:21; Mk. 10:21). —Honor in the sight of all if you are humble (Lk. 14:10). —Brief tribulation if you…

  • Five Reasons VBS is Important

    Kids love it. VBS is just plain fun and the kids love it.  Fun is, of course, not the end goal but when kids are having fun, they are more…

  • Jesus, the Way

    As we turn the page on this study of Jesus is the way , ask yourself these questions. Do you have problems? Are you confused in things pertaining to life…

  • Jesus Is the Way to a Better Life – Part III

    The popular goal of our generation is “the good life“. This dream is not new. It has been a desire of every age and every walk of life — of…

  • Jesus is the Way to a Better Life – Part II

    So how is it that Jesus can give us a better life? He can do it by teaching us to seek new goals in life. He warns of the folly…

  • Jesus is the Way to a Better Life – Part I

    In what way can Jesus give us a better life? He does it by identifying and removing the real problem. What is the cause of so much unhappiness? What deprives…

  • How Does God View Sin?

    In Genesis 3:16-19 we see how God punished Adam and Eve because of their disobedience. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in…

  • Sisters, Servants and Soldiers

    Sheila Butt, who spoke at our recent Ladies Day, shared information about a women’s ministry she founded called “Sisters, Servants and Soldiers.” I wanted to share the information for those…

  • The Real Enemy

    “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” Psalms 118:24. As we go through life each of us has a desire…