Bulletin Article


    As with every other aspect of life, God cares how you vote. It influences the morality of society, aids in retention of our religious freedoms, and shapes the parameters of…

  • Change for Children Report

        Fifteen of the Change for Children cans have been returned. Some of them are very heavy. Others, while not so heavy, have either folding bills or checks in…

  • King David & Instrumental Music

      People often wonder why we sing a cappella, that is, without an instrumental accompaniment. Has anyone every said to you, “But didn’t David play the harp?” He certainly did…

  • God Approved Worship

        The world of worship is rapidly changing but are the new innovations sanctioned by the Word of God? Worship style is not good just because it is new,…

  • Change for Children

    Helping others is very much a part of Christian living. Paul wrote to the churches at Galatia: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially…

  • Mark Your Calendar

    This Tuesday, September 18, we would like for as many of our senior adults as can to meet in the fellowship hall from 10 – 11am in order to discuss…

  • Seniors Bible CLass

    We are beginning a Seniors Bible Class with an emphasis on evangelism. I would like to meet with all who are interested in participating on Tuesday morning September 18 at…

  • Seniors Outreach

    Evangelism should always be a priority of God’s people. Who better to lead the way in evangelism than the senior members of the church – with this in mind I…


    That Jesus is the legitimate head of the church all Bible students will admit (Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18) and yet most churches are organized under some earthly ecclesiastical head.  …

  • No Book but the Bible

    While we often benefit from the insights gleaned from the world of religious books, the Bible itself is the only real standard of religious thought and practice. All else is…