How many times do you look at the time throughout the day? For most people, our lives are ran according to time. We can count on having to wake up at a certain time, we know what time we will be home, or we know that we will be done working at a certain time. To some degree our lives revolve around time, and we often feel as though we don’t have enough.
In Matthew 24, Jesus tells of a time however, when there will be no warning, there will be no looking at our clocks or calendars to see if it is almost here or not. Instead, when God decides to come back, He will come back with no warning. Now, for some this is a scary thought and can be disheartening. On the other hand, for those who have been workers for the Lord, and those who have prepared themselves for what is to come, we can be those that are described in Matthew 25; those who have prepared and have worked for the Lord so that we can be able to enter the joy of our Master.
Joshua Schutkowski