VBS Success

Our VBS was a huge success again this year! We had an average daily attendance of 39,
and the vast majority were not members of North Main or the Lord’s church. We had 129 present
on Wednesday evening for our closeout session; the room was full of first-time and returning
visitors who stayed and enjoyed a perfectly prepared meal.

Children learned more about God and His word daily as our teachers taught well-
prepared Bible classes. Our decorations were fun to explore while connecting and demonstrating
the lessons about Paul’s missionary journeys. Children “experienced” a little bit of Rome as they
worked daily on lesson-focused crafts. Several new songs were learned and sung, while parents
were amazed at how much could be taught in just three short days. Our time of recreation
allowed teachers, staff, and students to get to know each other better while burning off some
energy. At the end of each day, after a few songs and a prayer, we all gathered in the fellowship
room for a snack while parents trickled in, greeted by the smiles of their happy children. Our
VBS was a huge success, but none of it happened by accident.

Our VBS success required planning, preparation, and prayer. Curriculum, invitations,
banners, decorations, and crafts were planned and ordered months in advance. Hundreds of hours
of thought and energy went into painting, cutting, printing, decorating, and teaching for those
three short days. We are thankful to everyone who participated and prayerful that this intentional
and congregational effort will have a positive and eternal impact on our congregation, the
families who attended, and our community.

Matt Langfield