Have you ever been told that when you go out in public you are representing something you are a part of? They want you to be on your best behavior because they are trying to make a good impression in the community. At times, you may read about someone who worked for a well-known company being let go because their behavior was one that was not ‘conducive’ or ‘in-line’ with the company’s standards. Instead of the company being put in a bad light, they simply let that induvial go.
If we have these standards in the world, for members of well-known companies, and well known sports teams, what about the standard of our appearance as Christians? We have the command to walk in a manner that is a light to those that are around us (Matthew 5:14-16). What it really comes down to is walking in a manner that is worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27). The people who are around us see what we are doing. We may not know that they are watching at the time, and we may never know it. Whatever, the case is, we need to be the ones that are constantly portraying Christ in our speech, in our actions, and in all that we do.
Joshua Schutkowski