Month: November 2020

  •  What Do You See?

    If you are sitting in the church building this morning, what do you see around you? How would you describe the person sitting several pews in front of you, the…

  • Be Thankful!

    It is easy to look around us and see many of the problems that might cause us heartache. Regardless of our political, economic, or cultural views, Christians do not fit…

  • Pay Attention!

    It is sometimes difficult for me (and my son, who has inherited this weakness) to pay attention. We have all experienced becoming distracted or losing focus at times in our…

  • Jesus Is Far Better

    The book of Hebrews proves that Jesus is greater than any Old Testament leader, prophet, or law. Consider a few of the statements made in just the first two verses…

  • Necessary Growth

    Growth is a necessary part of life. If children don’t grow, parents and doctors become concerned. When plants don’t grow, gardeners wonder what went wrong. When Christians don’t grow in…