
  • Three Reasons Not to Worry

    All of us are susceptible to worry. When we worry, fear consumes us which means, we are focused on our fear instead of our faith. In Matthew 6, Jesus not…

  • God’s Grace to the Guilty

    God demonstrates His amazing grace throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, God established “cities of refuge ” (Numbers 35, Joshua 20); six cities where those guilty of accidentally killing…

  • God’s Jealousy

    Our God is a jealous God. Among the ten commandments, God told Israel, “You shall have no other gods before Me…for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God”…

  • What Does Temptation Look Like?

    When we think about temptation to sin, we might imagine “a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8), a dangerous spiritual army rising against us, or a relentless…

  • How Will We React?

    In moments of great fear, it seems that people tend to either openly turn toward or away from God. When people experience tragedy in life, it is not difficult to…

  • Stand Fast

    There are dark seasons in life. We can’t predict the time of the coming gloom. We usually can’t foresee how long the tempest will last. We often don’t know what…

  • God’s Mighty Hand

    Today begins a new Bible class quarter at North Main. For the next thirteen weeks, our children and teens will be studying through the book of Exodus using a lesson…

  • Who Is He Preaching To?

    In Matthew 5, Jesus begins His perfectly worded “Sermon on the Mount” with nine sentences that we know as “The Beatitudes.” For three chapters in our Bibles, Jesus will preach…

  • Do You Love Me?

    One of the most powerful questions that Jesus ever asked was, “Do you love Me?” The question alone should require a person to either embrace or deny the Lord, but…

  • Opposites

    In Mark 10, Jesus reveals two spiritual opposites by asking the same question to two different parties. His closest disciples are mistakenly looking forward to an earthly kingdom and hope…