
  • Repentance

    Repentance is a necessary step in becoming a Christian. It not only requires a turning away from sin, but it also requires a change of heart, mind, and action. Throughout…

  • Hearing the Word of God

    It is necessary to hear the word of God to become a Christian. To put it simply, people do not become Christians without hearing God’s word taught. In Acts 2:37,…

  • Let Love Continue

    The love shared between brothers and sisters in Christ is a blessing that comes with being added to the Lord’s church. Brotherly love is the care, concern, and genuine emotional…

  • Pursue Peace

    One of the most challenging instructions found in God’s word is Hebrews 12:14, “Pursue peace with all men…” As we strive to live as faithful and obedient Christians while surrounded…

  • The Value of Discipline

    Nobody likes to be disciplined; at least that’s what the Bible says, “All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful…” (Hebrews 12:11). However, as “sorrowful” as…

  • Are We Prepared To Run?

    If you have ever run in a race, whether as a child on the playground, in a high school gym class, or as an adult, you understand the need to…

  • Deep In Our Hearts

    As Christians, we understand that the words of the Bible hold great value. They have been given to us by God to be the source of our faith (Romans 10:17),…

  • Why Are You Crying?

    Have you ever wondered why we cry? Everyone does it, and at times it seems to be unavoidable. Healthy babies cry at birth, young children cry for a host of…

  • Are You Eager?

    We have all been excited about future events on the calendar like holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries. My kids are constantly reminding me of who’s birthday is coming next and what…

  • How Is Your Investment?

    With tax season is right around the corner, the stock market regularly reaching all-time highs, and stimulus payments from our government as a normal way of life, our nation’s financial…