
  • “Immanuel” – God is With Us

    In Isaiah 7:14, God’s word gives us the prophecy of a child being born to a virgin. The text tells us, “Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear…

  • The Fall of Saul

    The relationship between David and Saul tells a story of sinful jealousy. When God chose David to be king, Saul was still sitting on the throne. Saul had disobeyed God,…

  • After God’s Heart

    David was “a man after God’s own heart.” In 1 Samuel 13, as God takes the kingdom away from King Saul, Samuel the prophet says, “The Lord has sought out…

  • Vacation Bible School Success!

    Thank you to everyone who helped make our VBS a phenomenal success! We had 35 students by the end of the week, 22 of which were NOT from North Main,…

  • Be Prepared

    Being unprepared for events in our daily lives can have varying consequences. If we walk out of the house without our car keys, we only need to turn around; however,…

  • ______ One Another

    The Bible is full of instructions on how Christians should treat other people. For example, Jesus tells us to “love [our] enemies” (Matthew 5:44), Paul commands us to respectfully submit…

  • Reminders

    Reminders in our day-to-day lives can be beneficial. Unless we still use a paper calendar, our phones frequently remind us of important dates or events. Children will happily and sometimes…

  • How We Do What We Do

    As Paul instructs the Colossian Christians on how to live their daily lives while also pleasing God, he writes, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord…

  • What Mothers Do

    Mothers should play an extraordinary role in children’s lives, and the Bible provides many examples of mothers for us to consider. Hannah was a mother who had plans for her…

  • How Will We Respond?

    When Adam and Eve first sinned in the garden, God quickly responded. He punished them both, punished the serpent, forced them to leave Eden, and eventually sent His Son to…